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November 28, 2007


Michelle Ward

Pilar - what a great theme for a Muse, texture! You entertain her very well and I'm sure she smiles on you daily. Your constant hommage to her must keep her very pleased, if not spoiled. Beautiful, as always. Thanks for sharing your thoughtful post with the street team. xo


I was wondering, just yesterday, what is the texture of truth? I think of the subtle texture of a fingerprint or the beautiful texture of Georgia O'keefe's face when she lived in her 80s, I think of the way memory sometimes leaves a ravaged texture, sometimes melting into tear stains...you are always thoughtful and inspiring. Be well...jodi barone


gorgeous work! i especially love the piece with the hands. xox


fascinating topic, and i texture, yes, you us so much through texture. LOVE the close-up near the bottom. you, YOU - rock!!


I can only dream of layering like you do ;)



I really enjoyed this post Pilar! And I relate to what you said about artists being conduits and interpreters of energy. This has been my experience too. I so want to take part in Michelle's Crusades and was hoping the latest one would be the one... Let's just hope life gets less hectic from now on! :-)

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